How long is it normal to have dialated pupils after a concussion

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19.09.2011 · A concussion is a traumatic head injury that can occur due to a mild or severe blow to the head. Often times, a head injury can appear mild. However
How long is it normal to have dialated pupils after a concussion
21.01.2009 · I wear contacts, and really, I don't think it would hurt them any to wear when they're dilated. All they did was make your pupil bigger so they could get a
FAQ • Coma, Post-Head Injury - MEDICAL.
Long Term Effects of Concussions.
How long do you have to wait after.23.06.2007 · Best Answer: The problem with head injuries is that you may have little or no symptoms and then drop dead. See if this helps: Presentation varies according
Pupil size (eyes) and epilepsy |.