background code graal

Graal online classic status codes.
What are some status codes for graal.
Graal Code. Websitebackground code graal
Status Codes - Graal Nation
wrong all wrong its The Lastest Updated of Status Code - <font size =(number)> - <font color=(color)> - <img src=(name).gif> - <body background=(name).gif> - <font
Graal online classic status codes.
These are just the basics maybe making a part 2 ^~^ also the makemestfu might be wrong but if so put body background=profilelogo_makemestfu
Transparent Graal Status Background.
The _____ means fill in the blank Status Codes can be used in Guild news as well <img src=_____> fire.gif static.gif deadman.png torch.png torch.mng
background code graal
Graal Code ListGraal Bodies

Just a little tutorial for anyone who wants a colored status background
